
Infuse Your Dates With Cooking Class

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With two kids, two dogs, two jobs, and four schedules, finding time for “date nights” can sometimes seem impossible. By the time the thought does cross your mind, well, let’s just say … the opportunity has passed.

Setting aside time for each other is so important and such a treasure that we thought, “Why not make it memorable and do something DIFFERENT?”

Chad and I both love to cook. We love to experiment with different techniques and flavors and both watch a lot—and I mean a lot—of The Food Network Channel. It seemed only fitting for us to try our hand at pasta making. This was new to both of us, which put us on an equal playing ground. We decided to try a cooking class at The Local Epicurean. Not only is this a place to learn how to make pasta, it’s a store full of fine cheeses, prosciuttos, pestos, coffee, and—of course—decadent chocolate for the tasting.

We had a great time learning the art and technique of making pasta. Rolling, filling, sealing, and shaping, it was really nice to learn something new together. We made enough to take home for dinner. The kids LOVED it and told us we could gladly go back there anytime! Take it from a couple of amateur cooks who have never tasted fresh pasta: WOW! Delizioso! A great ending to a great date.

You can go to a local pub, movie, or dinner anytime. I challenge you to think “outside the box” and find something that neither of you has ever done before, and experience it together. I guarantee it is a memory you will not forget.

Happy dating! Thanks to the Local Epicurean for their hospitality and education!

Check out our other date ideas:

Written by: Angie Dykstra is a media consultant for West Michigan Woman magazine.


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