
This is sample text for a Wine Down event landing page.

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Purchase tickets

Interested in other sponsorship opportunites?

Contact Susan at [email protected] or (616) 458-8371.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Cancellation Policy

Individuals who register for the event and subsequently are no longer able to attend for any reason are encouraged to provide a replacement guest for attendance. Substitutions are welcome at any time prior to the event as long as full guest information is provided to Serendipity Media. There is no charge to make this change prior to the event.

If you do not wish to provide a replacement guest for the event, full cancellations must be submitted in writing to Megan at Serendipity Media at [email protected] at least two weeks prior to the event date. At that time, 80% of the original ticket price will be refunded in the manner of payment provided during registration. Ticket purchases will not be refunded if cancellations are made within the two weeks prior to the event.

Privacy Notice: By registering for this West Michigan Woman event you agree to be added to our weekly eNewsletter and event mailing lists. If you wish to be removed from these lists, you can opt out via the email at any time. You also agree that WMW may use photos of you taken at the event in its marketing materials.