
What is normal? What is healthy? Should I be concerned?

According to the Mayo Clinic, persistent, recurrent problems with sexual response, desire, or orgasm—that distress you or strain your relationship with your partner—is recognized medically as female sexual dysfunction.

Knowing your own body and being comfortable in your skin is a goal for most women. But when it comes to issues and questions about sexual function, we might not know whom or how to ask.

Nisha McKenzie, PA-C, Sexuality Educator and Counselor, will host a discussion on this topic Tuesday, September 22, at 5:30 p.m., at Grand Rapids OB/GYN, 5060 Cascade Road SE Suite C, Grand Rapids.

McKenzie is a physician's assistant who has completed a post-graduate sexual health certificate program in sexuality, counseling, and education from the University of Michigan. Click here to read her bio.

Click here to register for this event through Inforum. Not an Inforum member? You can still attend one Inforum Affinity Group event before becoming a member, so if you're interested in the topic, make this your one event! This is a free event, but registration is requested.

Photo courtesy of  Yuri Arcurs/iStock.


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