
Do You Know What ‘Toasted Skin Syndrome’ Is?

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Toasted Skin

What it is, how to recognize it, its effects on your health and how you can prevent it from happening.

You may have heard some buzz around social media about "Toasted Skin Syndrome"—which sounds admittedly pretty terrifying. But what is it, actually? More specifically known as Erythema Ab Igne (Latin for "redness from fire"), the syndrome is a skin condition that results from prolonged exposure to heat. And while you might think the heat source would need to be intense to cause such a condition, it actually doesn't need to be, as it's more so caused by prolonged and repetitive exposure.

According to Dr. David Rzeszutko, Vice President of Medical and Clinical Operations at Priority Health, the primary cause of Toasted Skin Syndrome is prolonged exposure to low heat, generally occurring from temperature exposure less than 45 degrees Celsius or 110 degrees Fahrenheit for prolonged periods.

"This could be from various sources like laptops, heating pads, or even sitting too close to a fireplace for extended periods," Dr. Rzeszutko explained. "Heat damages the skin's surface and blood vessels, causing them to expand and become inflamed."

Electric blankets, hot water bottles, space heaters and radiators can also be culprits. It's important to recognize the symptoms and what the condition looks like in order to take action.

"The typical symptoms include a red, net-like pattern on the skin that appears almost like a rash," Dr. Rzeszutko said. "Over time, the affected area may become darker and have a more pronounced discoloration. Usually the rash isn't bothersome, but sometimes it can be itchy, burning or painful."

If you notice early symptoms of Toasted Skin Syndrome, Dr. Rzeszutko says the first step you should take is to immediately remove the heat source.

"Applying a cool compress to the affected area can help soothe the skin," he said. "If the skin does not return to normal after removing the heat source, consult a health care professional for further evaluation and management."

In most cases, Dr. Rzeszutko says that Toasted Skin Syndrome is a benign condition that resolves once the heat source is removed. However, in rare instances, chronic exposure to heat can lead to more serious consequences such as permanent skin discoloration and an increased risk of skin cancer in the affected areas.

"If the exposure to heat continues over a long period, it can lead to permanent skin damage and pigmentation changes," Dr. Rzeszutko explained. "The skin may become permanently discolored in a brownish hue. In some cases, it can also cause thinning of the skin and increase the risk of developing squamous cell carcinoma, a type of skin cancer."

To prevent Toasted Skin Syndrome from happening in the first place, Dr. Rzeszutko recommends the following:

  • Avoid prolonged exposure to heat sources, especially on bare skin.
  • Place a barrier, like a laptop stand, between the heat source and the skin.
  • Limit the use of heating pads and electric blankets to short periods.
  • Maintain a safe distance from space heaters and fireplaces.

"It's important to be mindful of how we use everyday items that generate heat," Dr. Rzeszutko said. "Simple adjustments and awareness can prevent the development of Toasted Skin Syndrome. If you suspect you have symptoms, don't ignore them. Early intervention can prevent more severe consequences."

Written by Sarah Suydam, Managing Editor for West Michigan Woman.


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