
End the Dry Spell: A Solution for Vaginal Health

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Menopause can significantly impact a woman's sex life. However, there are effective solutions to reclaim intimacy and feel like yourself again.

Sex remains a sensitive and often unspoken concern for many women, even in established trusting relationships. As an OB-GYN with over 30 years of experience, I've encountered thousands of women in perimenopause and menopause, each with numerous challenges affecting their sexual health, including decreased libido, altered body image, evolving relationship dynamics and pain with sexual activity.

One recent patient, Jane, exemplifies the struggles many women share. She sought help due to painful intercourse and described how this issue had strained her otherwise healthy relationship with her husband. Jane would steer clear of discussions about sex, not go to bed at the same time, avoid romantic settings, and struggle with how to communicate her discomfort to her husband. She could tell they were drifting apart and did not know what to do.

During our consultation, Jane shared her health history, revealing an easy menopause transition with minimal hot flashes but had progressive vaginal dryness and bladder urgency. Her decision against hormone therapy stemmed from questioning potential risks.

Upon examination, I diagnosed Jane with Genitourinary Syndrome of Menopause (GSM), characterized by vaginal dryness, change in vaginal pH or acid levels and loss of healthy bacteria. These changes are caused by the loss of estrogen that happens because of menopause.

I shared her options to treat GSM. I started with the option of three MonaLisa Touch® fractional laser treatments over three months. This non-hormonal and chemical-free treatment can effectively restore vaginal moisture, alleviate pain, reduce bladder urgency and improve tissue tone.

I knew Jane was concerned about taking hormones, but explained how vaginal estrogen or vaginal DHEA were also safe options for her to treat GSM. There is no significant absorption of the hormones when used correctly. Even women with a breast cancer diagnosis can use vaginal estrogens without risk.

By the end of her visit, Jane said she was encouraged about her treatment options and decided to schedule an appointment to have her first MonaLisa Touch® treatment the following week.

Following her first treatment, Jane experienced relief and noted improved comfort with intimacy by her second session. Her enthusiasm for life and renewed connection with her husband underscored the profound impact of addressing her GSM symptoms.

After eight months, Jane continues to benefit from this safe and innovative laser technology, reporting a sustained ability to be intimate and better sexual health.

Join us on Tuesday, September 17, 2024 at 5:30 p.m. at the true. Women's Health clinic to learn more about MonaLisa Touch® and explore options for managing GSM symptoms. Discover how this treatment can help you reclaim intimacy and comfort without hormone therapy. Attendees will have a chance to win a free MonaLisa Touch® treatment and exclusive discounts on treatment packages. Visit truewomenshealth.com/monalisa-event to learn more and RSVP.

If Jane's story resonates with you, take the first step towards reclaiming your intimate health with true. Women's Health.

Written by Diana Bitner, MD, MSCP, FACOG, Chief Medical Officer & Co-founder, true. Women's Health.

Courtesy of true. Women's Health.


Photo courtsey of Chase Loreto, Leverage Marketing, Grand Haven.



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