
Looking to get your new year off to a healthy start? Meet with a nutritional consultant and women's health pharmacist for a discussion focused on you—learn about how hormones, detoxification and nutrition affect weight and overall well-being.

Thursday, January 7, at 5:30 p.m., Keystone Pharmacy's Certified Nutritional Consultant, Brandy Grimmer, LPht, CNC, and Women's Health Specialist Mary Heim, R.Ph., FAAFM, will lead a workshop designed to make 2016 your best year yet! Leave with the top three improvements you can make in each category (hormones, diet, nutrition) to achieve your health goals.

To reserve your seat, RSVP to [email protected]

Keystone Pharmacy is located at 4021 Cascade Road SE, Suite 50, in Grand Rapids.


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