Gantry 5 Framework is the powerhouse behind the Denali theme

Family-WalkToSchoolWhen the cold wind blows, it's likely your kids will want a ride to school instead of braving the frosty sidewalks, but encourage them to continue their own morning commute by accompanying them on their walk to school. When you walk with your children to school, you'll establish a habit of exercise and help to get their brain cells pumping first thing, and you'll benefit too.

Expending energy on the way to school can make students more focused when they reach class. According to Stephen C. Putnam, MEd, children who exercise before they reach the classroom show better behavior during class time.

According to WebMD, "Exercise boosts blood flow to the brain and helps it receive oxygen and nutrients. The better shape you're in, the faster you fire brain waves that are responsible for quick thinking."

Walking to school and back with your kids adds up. If you're trying to burn off your holiday weight, take the first step by walking each day. Walking one mile will burn approximately 100 calories. Measure the distance from your home to the school and start adding. Sixteen hundred calories is a half a pound.

Think about making a walk to school part of your New Year's resolution. As the old saying goes, breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Add onto the importance of the morning routine in your children's lives by encouraging them to walk to school. Plus, the one-on-one time you spend with your children before school has immeasurable benefits.

Source: WebMD, Erika Fifelski was born and raised in West Michigan, and after a brief stint on the sunrise side, she's home and loving it. Erika enjoys cooking, sewing, vacuuming, and discovering new ways to live sustainably and support local businesses. Photo Credit: woodleywonderworks