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- Category: Spotlight Collection
The number of individuals it takes to pull off an event the size of the Grand Rapids International Wine, Beer & Food Festival—taking place November 18-19, 2022 at DeVos Place—is almost beyond comprehension. From the festival producers to the distributors, volunteers to educators, chefs to back-of-house crew, this event is a success because of all the passionate individuals who work around the clock to deliver a memorable experience.
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- Category: Spotlight Collection
Maintaining your sobriety and having fun at events that are traditionally associated with drinking such as a tailgate party is possible, but it does require planning. The more safeguards you put in place, the more time you will have to distract yourself from using. These safeguards can take many forms and even be a group effort, whether the entire group celebrates without alcohol or not.
The following ideas can help you stay sober and enjoy tailgating season or any social gathering where alcohol will be part of the celebration.
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- Category: Spotlight Collection
It’s difficult to watch a loved one struggle with the disease of addiction. For some, the consequences of their substance use or simply having a loved one express concern will be motivation enough to seek help and pursue recovery. Unfortunately, others deny or don’t recognize the impact their substance use and behaviors are having on themselves and those around them. In these situations, a formal intervention may be needed in which family and friends come together in a focused effort to encourage their loved one to seek help.
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- Category: Spotlight Collection
Those who have previously attended the Grand Rapids International Wine, Beer & Food Festival (being held this year on November 18-19, 2022 at DeVos Place) may have noticed all the smiling faces offering samples of wine, beer, cider, spirits and more. What attendees may not have known is that many of these are hospitality and culinary students from Ferris State University, Grand Valley State University and the Culinary Institute of Michigan – Muskegon.
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- Category: Spotlight Collection
In a recent gathering at Beacon Hill's Community House, state senator Winnie Brinks (D-Grand Rapids) delivered a proclamation honoring Beacon Hill at Eastgate for "their great service and unfailing leadership in serving older adults ... and all they have done to make Kent County a better place for all its residents, especially older adults."