
Brilliant Best Supporting Man

As a male ally to women and gender equity, Mike understands the significance of his role as COO to enable other male leaders to be advocates and champions of gender equity, where male leaders step up beside women to fix the system, not women. As an ally, he treats gender equity as a business priority and reminds leaders it’s not about setting quotas, it’s about setting priorities.

From this issue

Whether it's celebrating Valentine's Day, raising a glass to a milestone anniversary, or simply getting away to spend one-on-one time together, a romantic escape with your partner is always a good idea. But you may be at a loss when it comes to planning your next getaway. Keep reading for some of our favorite options!
When I was asked to write on the topic of identity, I thought I had gone through enough self-exploration that I could probably call on my personal experiences alone.
Economic uncertainties are nothing new, but that doesn't mean you shouldn't consider fresh approaches to your retirement plan. According to Laura Corbiani, CFP®, Founder & Lead Financial Planner, Astraea Wealth Management, LLC, we can never truly know what the future markets will hold, much like life itself.
Recent research indicates that 63% of people now say that climate change is a very serious issue compared to 49% in 2003, with 46% of consumers also reporting that they're buying more sustainable products to reduce their carbon footprint.