
A Senior Real Estate Specialist® or SRES® designee is a realtor who possesses the necessary expertise to address the financial and lifestyle needs of homebuyers and sellers ages 50+. A SRES® Realtor® has unique knowlege of how reverse mortgages, 401(k) accounts, IRAs, Medicaid, Medicare and Social Security can affect real esate decisions. Diane Culver, with Keller Williams, is a SRES® designee

A move at any age can be overwhelming. As an SRES® Realtor®, Diane Culver understands there may be additional considerations when people transition into a new home during their more senior years. "I have a heart and passion for serving the senior population. However, the same knowledge and skills, which I use to serve the senior market, are what are required to perform any and all real estate transactions well."

When helping her senior clients, Diane relies on a five-step plan.

Step 1: Initial Consultation.
"We meet with the senior seller(s) and any relevant family members to perform a complimentary home evaluation. At this point, we also discuss the seller's goals, review their sale time frame and formulate a plan of action."

Step 2: Getting Prepared for the Sale and Getting Organized.
"Our professional organizer will go through the home. The seller will determine what he or she will be taking to the new home and also designate any items they would like to give to family members."

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Step 3: Taking Inventory.

A real estate specialist will work with the seller and help them decide which items will be donated or sold. A free estate sale appraisal will also be performed, if desired.

Step 4: Preparing for the Sale.
A professional home inspector will then come though the home and determine its condition and what, if any, issues need to be resolved to prepare the home for sale. Décor recommendations are also offered, to help ensure a satisfactory sale price.

Step 5: Marketing and Selling the Home.
Diane will help coordinate movers, packers and any other services her senior client may need at the time of sale.

Diane Culver takes pride in her tenacity, experience and expertise. Of her chosen career she says, "I love the relationship side of real estate, so for me, it's people first, then all the other stuff."

For more information on the Senior Real Estate Specialist® program, contact Diane R. Culver, Realtor®, SRES® at [email protected], 616.575.1800 (work) or 616.446.4173 (cellular).

Written by Lisa Stickler, staff writer for West Michigan Woman magazine.


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