
Even after delicious meal, refreshing beverages, and boisterous conversation, your party guests will expect something sweet. Follow these cake-to-guest-ratio suggestions and cake cutting strategies to make sure there is enough to go around.

The amount of people you are able to serve depends on your cake's shape. Round or heart-shaped cakes will produce fewer slices than similarly sized square cakes. A good rule of thumb is to cut cake slices two inches by one inch. Follow these charts of cake size to guest ratio for an estimate of how much cake your event will require: For single cakes:
Entertain-Single Cakes

For tiered cakes:
Entertain-Tiered Cakes

Have a cake cutting game plan before the meal is finished, especially if your cake is tiered. To cut round, tiered cakes, begin by cutting a circle two inches from the top cake's outer edge. Cut the ring into one-inch slices. Cut a second circle into the same tier two inches closer to the center of the cake, and slice the pieces in the same fashion as the first ring. Repeat until you reach the core, which can be divided into one-inch pieces. This process can be used for all tiers, starting at the top, and working your way down.

For square cakes, cut a straight line two inches from the outer edge of the cake, and slice it into one-inch pieces. Continue cutting two-inch strips and dividing them into one-inch pieces until the entire top tier has been divided. Repeat on remaining lower tiers. The bottom tier must be a minimum of ten inches across for stability and proportion.

While event caterers usually take care of the cake cutting, you may be hosting your party at home which means you'll be cutting the cake yourself. But there is no need to get out the ruler to measure perfect two by one-inch slices. Bake in a cushion of extra cake so there will be enough to go around.

Source: Michelle Anderson Photo: Ivan Prole

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