
Valentine’s Day is quickly approaching! And although this holiday is typically associated with couples and romance, it could be a great excuse for almost any group of people to get together and celebrate different types of love. 

Kids – Yes, kids will probably celebrate Valentine’s Day at school with construction paper hearts and gobs of candy. But give them an opportunity to truly spread the love by thinking of others. Gather a group of kids and have them write letters to a grandparent, a friend who has moved, or soldiers abroad. Or have them decorate paper lunch bags for an organization that hands out sack dinners, such as Kid’s Food Basket. A simple afternoon could go a long way in sharing the love of caring.

Family – Use the holiday as a reason to have an extra special brunch together with the family. We all know that sitting down together for meals is one of the best ways to keep connected, but evenings could be a struggle to coordinate with our increasingly packed schedules. For Valentine’s Day, plan a weekend brunch menu with family favorites, something new and unexpected, or even store-bought bagels and cream cheese; whatever will guarantee getting everyone around the table to catch up and enjoy the love in family.

Girls’ night – Get a group of girlfriends together for a night of 3Cs: Chocolates, Cosmopolitans, and Chick Flicks. Hit up happy hour at a great bar, then head to the theatre for Junior Mints and a movie. Or have someone host at home, for a full night of cocktails, cake, and the classics. Everyone should be required to wear red lipstick, sequins, and heels—just for the glam of it. Whether or not you have a date on the 14th, this is a night all about celebrating the love in friendship.

Couples – Valentine’s Day is most often associated with couples and romantic love. But since nearly every way to celebrate has become cliché, why not celebrate with a group of couples? You could challenge each other to a Newlyweds-style battle of the couples to see who knows their partner best. Have each couple create a short list of questions to ask, or look online for suggestions. At the end of the night, take some one-on-one time to congratulate each other on how well you know one another or use the time to fill each other in on some of the lesser-known information! Either way, bask in the bona fide Valentine moment of romantic love.

Written by: Rebecca Lemon has thoroughly hopped on the entertaining band wagon and now, she sees inspiration for party themes in everything—movies, clothes, jewelry, and even hockey games. She shares her home with three cats and her husband, Mr. Lemon. Don’t call her a crazy cat lady. It may be true, but it’s not nice to call people crazy, at least not to their face. Click here to read her blog, This Nest Is Best. Photo: stock.xchng

Read more creative ways to celebrate Valentine's Day in the next issue of West Michigan Woman magazine

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