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West Michigan Women
is proud to feature our area's top professional and influential women on the cover of our magazine. Take a moment to read about this exclusive group and the impact they make on the lives of people in West Michigan.

The premier golf outing for women of all skill levels

The West Michigan Woman Golf Scramble is a casual, fun-and-food-filled 9 holes! This event sells out quickly, so be sure to register as soon as possible! Snacks will be provided, and each person registered will receive a drink ticket to redeem at any point throughout the event. Raffle basket tickets and mulligans will be available for purchase on site. Following the scramble, we'll gather for desserts, awards and a presentation.

2017 WMW Super Bowl Quiz 1Football blood has been pumping through my husband’s veins since 8th grade. For me it started in 11th grade when I could wear his #30 jersey. Now over 20 years later, our family continues to live, breath, and eat football through Mark’s coaching responsibilities, our son’s love for the game, and the NFL. (Yes, even the NFL draft is a date on our family calendar!)

Our Story

The West Michigan Woman Story
As told by Serendipity President and Publisher, Kasie Smith:

West Michigan Woman's story can’t be told without going back to when we opened the doors of Serendipity Media in August 2002.

Serendipity Media, LLC
535 Cascade West Parkway SE
Grand Rapids, MI 49546

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