
GlassJarHalfGallonS06Entertaining in your home can take many incarnations–from a casual dinner of takeout with close friends to a dinner party of twenty complete with amuse bouche and champagne. However you choose to entertain, it can always be made easier and a bit more fun! Here are some tips!

Maggie Mason of www.MightyGirl.com inspired us with the concept of a “party jar.” Purchase a large glass jar like this one, and fill it with: dried apricots, fancy crackers, one very good bar of chocolate, and a small jar of olives. This is the party jar and it’s hands off until you have company. Spread the jar goods on a platter with some decent cheese, and you have an instant spread before you! The tough part is not breaking into the jar before you have company, but you’ll be glad you did the next time your doorbell rings and you have impromptu guests!

Amy Sedaris, author of I Like You: Hospitality Under the Influence, thinks that anyone who entertains on a regular basis should keep a party journal. Sit down the day after you host a party, and record the details of the previous night's event. An entry might look something like this:

Date: December 31, 2011
Occasion: New Year’s Eve
Served: Crab dip, roasted vegetable platter, green goddess spread, chocolates, champagne cocktails
Invited: Paula, Tom, Kevin, Marissa, Hillary–all brought dates.
What worked: Crab dip was a success
What didn’t: Getting everyone cabs at midnight, ran out of champagne.

In her book, Amy Sedaris points out that not only will your party journal serve as a reminder for next parties (buy more champagne) but would be an excellent item to buy at a flea market.

What are your entertaining tips?

Written by: Julie Anne has an impressive vocabulary and an extraordinary sense of humor. She has even entertained the idea of doing stand up comedy someday! When she's not writing, you'll probably find Julie Anne at the Farmer's Market or home with her nose in a book. Photo Credit: Crate&Barrel

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