
Entertain-Progression Party CroppedIf you have several friends who live close together, throw a progression party! Each house has its own theme, and serves an appetizer and drink. Try these real-life ideas from a West Michigan Woman staffer's 2012 New Year's Eve.

At the first house, the theme was wine and cheese. They chose a variety of whites and reds to accommodate guests' different tastes. For more ideas for your wine and cheese party, check out "Entertaining by the Numbers."

The second house was themed after the popular Nintendo game–Mario Brothers. The hosts dressed as characters from the game, and served stuffed mushrooms and lasagna. Drinks were simple cans of beer decorated with different "power up" elements used by players of the game. Of course, T.V.'s were set up and ready to play Super Mario Brothers.

The third house was a luau where guests wore lays, did a limbo, and drank Mai Tais. Music to match the house's theme boosted the event, and food was served when guests arrived. Even though there were appetizers at the other houses, guests were still hungry for the pork and mango salsa the hosts served.

The final house was a disco party, and the hosts completed the theme with lighting, music and attire fit for the 70s.

Source: Julie Kalinowski. Photo: morgueFile.

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