
Find out how to move out of survival mode, create more time in your schedule, and have the energy to enjoy your life.

 Do you ever feel:  

  • Like you are running on empty, completely exhausted, and overwhelmed by your life and its never-ending to-do list?
  • Like you can't possibly fit one more thing into your day?  
  •  GUILTY for not being the perfect boss, perfect employee, perfect friend, perfect daughter, perfect sister, perfect mom, perfect wife, perfect everything?
  •  Like you've given everything to your family and career and have nothing left for you?

This workshop is exactly what you need if you answered YES to any of the above.

Kyla Ledlow, sanity strategist for professional working moms, will lead you through an interactive program designed for all professional women in different life stages.

Click here to read Kyla's full bio.

Take away a fresh perspective, solid strategy, and helpful tools that you can easily apply to your busy and full life. Your time is too precious to waste on one more minute of chaos!

Event Details

Date: Thursday, November 7
Time: 7:30-9:30 a.m.
7:30 a.m. Registration and breakfast
8 a.m. Workshop
9:30 a.m. Conclude

Place: Kalamazoo College
Weimer K. Hicks Student Center, Banquet Hall
1200 Academy Street
Kalamazoo Michigan

Tickets are $25 for Inforum members and $35 for non-members. Student tickets cost $10 each. Click here to register!

Source: Inforum

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