

Attend a free class and demonstration by Green Smoothie Girl on Saturday, July 13, from 6:30 to 8 p.m., at the First Congregational Church of Christ to enjoy samples and be motivated and inspired to radically change your health in small and simple ways eating whole foods. You’ll be so enthusiastic, you’ll want to teach your friends so that they can have what you’ll achieve, proven by GreenSmoothieGirl.com research. Click here to register

Steer away from the drive-through and be inspired and educated toward an exciting world of greens, fruits, legumes, whole grains, nuts, and seeds. The multiple benefits of green smoothies include: 

  • More energy.
  • Better digestion.
  • Weight loss.
  • Fewer junk food cravings.
  • Pretty skin and hair.
  • A more positive mood.

Robyn Openshaw, known as "The Green Smoothie Girl" to her fans, is the founder of GreenSmoothieGirl.com, reaching one hundred thousand readers every month. She is an educator, author, blogger, and all-around expert on living a whole foods lifestyle. Her mission is to teach all of the busy moms (and other busy persons) of the world how simple, hard-hitting habits can transform their families' health and nutrition in a way that is easy, inexpensive, delicious, and fun. She wrote the bestselling book The Green Smoothies Diet and created the Twelve Steps to Whole Foods program. Most recently, she wrote the children’s book The Adventures of Junk Food Dude, to teach the principles of good health to the rising generation. She empowers all within the sound of her voice to step away from the Standard American Diet (S.A.D.) and embrace the adventure of a vibrant, high-energy lifestyle through disease-preventing nutrition. 

Source: Lowell Community Wellness

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