
The e-merge Entrepreneur Network of West Michigan, in partnership with the MSU Extension office of Muskegon County and the Michigan Small Business & Technology Development Center (Mi-SBTDC), announce that the final 2012/2013 entrepreneur/small business workshop series will begin March 27. These free workshops are designed for people considering starting a business, people in the process of starting a business, or people who currently own or run a small business. The public is encouraged to attend one or all five sessions.

A summary of the workshops that make up the series:

The Road to Independence – Exploring Entrepreneurship, Wednesday, March 27, 6-9 p.m.

A free, three-hour workshop to address basic questions about starting a business—what it takes to get started, why a business plan is important, financial considerations, and community resources. Location: MAREC Center, 200 Viridian Drive, Muskegon. Call 231-724-6686 to register.

Fundamentals of Writing a Business Plan, Tuesday, April 9, 6-8 p.m.

This free course covers business planning in detail, including marketing, finance, legal and regulatory issues, operations, and information-based planning. Live examples of effective business plans are used as course material. Location: MAREC Center, 200 Viridian Drive, Muskegon. Register online at www.misbtdc.org/events. Search topic “Business Plan” and zip code 49440. 

Legal Issues When Starting or Running a Small Business, Wednesday, April 24, 6-8 p.m.

A free introduction to the different types of legal entities that are appropriate for structuring and starting a new business. Topics covered include tax and liability, basic elements of a contract, collections, licenses, registrations, employment and property issues, leasing, and insurance. Location: MAREC Center, 200 Viridian Drive, Muskegon.  Register online at www.misbtdc.org/events. Search topic “Legal” and zip code 49440.

Fundamentals of Marketing Your Business, Wednesday, May 8, 6-8 p.m.

This free course covers practical applications of marketing concepts designed to grow a small business. Market analysis and research, target marketing, and assessing competitors will be discussed. Several examples of effective hands-on marketing tools will also be reviewed. Location: MAREC Center, 200 Viridian Drive, Muskegon.  Register online at www.misbtdc.org/events. Search topic “Marketing and Sales” and zip code 49440.

Fundamentals of Financial Management, Wednesday, May 22, 6-8 p.m.

Attendees will be introduced to basic accounting concepts and will learn how to apply financial information effectively. Key documents such as cash flow statements, profit and loss statements, and balance sheets will be explained using specific business examples. Location: MAREC Center, 200 Viridian Drive, Muskegon. Register online at www.misbtdc.org/events. Search topic “Financial and Accounting” and zip code 49440.

Information about these workshops and other valuable resources for entrepreneurs are available at the e-merge Entrepreneur Network website: www.e-mergewestmichigan.org   

Source:  e-merge Entrepreneur Network of West Michigan  

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