
Nancy Martin, branch manager for United Bank, is happy to announce the first United Bank Cereal Challenge to help fill North Kent Community Services' shelves with kid-friendly cereal for the holiday season.

 Claire Guisefredi, executive director of NKCS, shared with Martin that it was difficult to keep cereal on their shelves. "The kid-friendly cereals are gone as quickly as they are available."

With this information, United Bank decided to challenge Rockford businesses and residents to donate cereal for NKCS. Martin is excited about the challenge. "Let's fill a real need and have some fun doing it. I would like to see our community really get behind this challenge."

To help out, just pick up an extra box or two of cereal and drop them off at United Bank's Rockford branch or at the local Family Fare. John Yonkers, store director of Rockford Family Fare, said he was happy to help with this challenge by allowing customers to drop their donations in a specially marked shopping cart in the store.

United Bank has agreed to match donations up to 250 boxes of cereal. The challenge runs from November 1 thru December 6. Cereal will be on display at United Bank and delivered to North Kent Community Services after the event.


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