

If it seems like you're seeing CBD products everywhere, that's because you are!

Your local gas stations, pet stores – even ice cream shops – seem to have hopped on the trend and for good reason. Sales of CBD products are expected to exceed $5 billion this year, a 706% increase over 2018.

What’s even more likely to have piqued your interest, however, is hearing personal success stories about how it’s helped people with various conditions. From sleeplessness and anxiety to headaches and epilepsy and more, you may be considering if it could be for you or someone you care for.

Ticket price: $40
Your ticket includes light appetizers and wine/beer.

Online ticket sales are now closed. Tickets may be purchased at the door!


Join us as we open up a dialogue aiming to educate participants on everything from:

  • What exactly is CBD (or more importantly what it is not)
  • Product safety and quality
  • Where to buy it and how to use it
  • Medical merits or myths about how it may help treat mental health, immune-deficiencies, autism, pain, epilepsy, pets, cancer, dermatological problems, Alzheimer's and more.


Date: Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Location: Eberhard Center
Dress Code: Snappy casual attire


5:00 p.m. Event & Networking Begins
6:00 p.m. Panel Discussion
7:00 p.m. Networking Resumes
7:30 p.m. Event Concludes


JamieCooper forWebJamie Cooper

Jamie is the Founder of Cannabiz Connection, a B2B marketing and networking organization based in Grand Haven and Publisher for Sensi Magazine, launching in Michigan this spring. Jamie is a member of the West Michigan Cannabis Guild and was a part of the Smart & Safe GR Committee, an initiative to authorize licensed medical marijuana businesses in Grand Rapids. She is also a Co-Founder for Industry Power Women and a mentor for Kadin Academy, two organizations that serve as a resource for women entrepreneurs looking to start cannabis businesses.




CathleenGraham forWebCathleen S. Graham

Cathleen S. Graham is an experienced Certified Hospice and Palliative Care Registered Nurse, as well as the Regional Service Ops Manager for one of the nation’s largest hospice programs. With more than twenty years’ experience in health care, she is an internationally-respected speaker and the first nurse to receive the Americans for Safe Access (ASA) Medical Professional of the Year award for 2019. Cathleen is founder/CEO of CS Health Stop LLC DBA Cannabis Nurse Holistic Education and Consulting company - specializing in cannabis information. She is also the author of several publications, in “Medical Cannabis New Patient Success Guide” Booklet 2019.



LisaMurphyGallagher forWebLisa Murphy Gallagher

Lisa is the Community Relations Director at Made by Hemp. Her husband Jeff, is the owner of Made by Hemp, a manufacturer and worldwide distributor of high-quality CBD products. She has an extensive background in Human Resources Management and Consulting, but after her own personal journey with holistic health solutions, including CBD, she joined the company in an official capacity. Lisa has a passion for natural health and wellness, travel and lifelong learning opportunities. She and her husband and three children live in Holland, Michigan.




JanetTombre forWebJanet Tombre

Janet is the co-founder of The Grassy Knoll, a CBD boutique specializing in a wide range of CBD products for humans and pets. Janet and her husband started the business nearly three years ago after seeing friends, family and pets succumb to cancer and other illnesses. They saw a great need for CBD in the community as an alternative to using conventional pain medicines. With locations in Eastown and Woodland Mall, she and her husband feel strongly about giving back to the community, including the Humane Society and the Bissell Pet Foundation, and helping as many people they can with their CBD products.




Thank you to our sponsors!

Event Sponsor

                                                                                                     MadeByHemp WebLogo    GrassyKnoll WebLogo


Host Table Sponsors

                                                Degraaf WebLogo               PoshPetals WebLogo               Shah WebLogo                   RockfordHemp WebLogo


Interested in other sponsorship opportunites?

Contact Susan at [email protected] or (616) 458-8371.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Cancellation Policy

Individuals who register for the event and subsequently are no longer able to attend for any reason are encouraged to provide a replacement guest for attendance. Substitutions are welcome at any time prior to the event as long as full guest information is provided to Serendipity Media. There is no charge to make this change prior to the event.

If you do not wish to provide a replacement guest for the event, full cancellations must be submitted in writing to Megan at Serendipity Media at [email protected] at least two weeks prior to the event date. At that time, 80% of the original ticket price will be refunded in the manner of payment provided during registration. Ticket purchases will not be refunded if cancellations are made within the two weeks prior to the event.

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