
Inforum was founded in 1962 as the Women’s Economic Club to serve as a speakers’ forum for women because women were not allowed to belong to or participate in business organizations of the time.

Much has changed since, and Inforum has built on that early legacy to become the only educational and charitable nonprofit in Michigan—and one of only a few in the country—that combines strategic connections, proven professional development programs, and serves as a respected forum for new ideas to accelerate careers for women and boost talent initiatives for companies.

So, what does that mean exactly? I’ve listed just some of them here, and you can also hear from our members in this video.

  • Opportunities to connect. Inforum members have the opportunity to participate in West Michigan’s affinity groups. These are informal groups organized by members around common interests such as volunteering, health and wellness, geography, and wine and craft beer. They’re an ideal way to network without the work! Members also have access to the member directory.
  • The Inforum app. Available from the Apple Store and Google Play, the app offers multiple ways to connect with other members, including the opportunity to sign up to be a mentor or find a mentor.
  • Exposure to thought leaders. We offer events featuring strategically chosen speakers.
  • Industry networking. We have specialized industry groups in manufacturing, technology, and healthcare. 
  • You can build your community profile. We create opportunities for our members to serve as role models for girls and young women and also to be considered for our speakers’ bureau.
  • Leadership opportunities. Committees, councils, and the board of directors help lead and shape our work.
  • Many learning options. Inforum offers a range of professional development programs for women at all stages of their careers. They include our flagship program, Executive Leadership—which is targeted toward high-achieving women leaders—and Ignite Your Momentum; as well as programs targeted at emerging leaders and veterans, and individual coaching, among others. We also offer Learning Labs—quick two-hour seminars with concrete takeaways.
  • Inforum Anywhere. You can connect, network, and learn both in person in virtually.

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Come join our over 7,500 members and more than 75 corporate investors. I’ve been a member since 2011 and know the power of Inforum. And I’m not the only one. If you haven’t checked it out already, you can hear testimonials from other West Michigan women in this video about the reasons they belong to Inforum.

Questions? Visit inforummichigan.org or contact Becky Wood, Vice President of Corporate and Member Engagement, at [email protected] or 616.588.9400.

Written by Becky Wood, Vice President of Corporate and Member Engagement, Inforum.

Courtesy of Inforum.

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