
Using online versions of the traditional press release can increase your search engine optimization (SEO), and drive traffic to your websites. SEO press releases are published internally by the business itself are delivered to every major search engine as well as media outlets. According to PRWeb, the releases are "optimized for search and hugely shareable via social media, online news releases help you boost rankings, increase traffic and bring in better leads." Use online news releases for these reasons:

  1. Your company rises in organic search ranking. Online news releases automatically make your content rise to the top of clients' searches. Established brands recognized as news content will appear at the top of search results, and the more your company sends out, the more likely it is to be seen in the search engine.
  2. Link building. Online news releases aid in link building strategies which in turn creates successful SEO. Include engaging topics and exciting content for specific demographics within your news releases, and the likelihood of the release being picked up by online media sources increases.
  3. Increased engagement. Customers can engage more fully and more frequently with your company through online news releases that include interactive features, social media, and video embedding. Broadcast your news release over social media channels like Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest to make sure your clients are aware of its presence online.
  4. Increased website traffic. The more your news release is brought up in search engines, the more likely it is for people to click into your website. More traffic on your website increases organic searches, and click-through rates will also increase. The cycle perpetuates itself and ultimately brings more people to your website.
  5. Branding. When your company puts out online news releases, more people will see the company name and recognize it. Clients searching for the products and services your offer will be more likely to come across your company if you have more information circulating throughout the Internet.

Online news releases are a part of your company's overall SEO strategy. It is important to know your company's goals as far as online presence and to evaluate the benefits of using online news releases.

Source: PRWeb Photo: Sachin Ghodke

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