
The holiday season will quickly be upon us, and I have been thinking about my family's holiday traditions. For Thanksgiving, we watch the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade and go through all of the newspaper ads to see if there is going to be anything for sale on Black Friday that we might want to get. Then during our early dinner, we sit around the table and each take a letter or two from the word Thanksgiving and say what we were thankful for. At Christmas, we wake up early and make cinnamon rolls and breakfast casserole, then open presents. For New Years, we have a dinner of hors d’oeuvres and watch movies until the ball drops.

Everyone holds holiday traditions dear, and without them, it would be terrible because we know that with these traditions, the happiest of memories are made!

But this year, most of my family traditions might be the last that I experience. In July I will become a married woman and traditions will have to change. This is bittersweet to me. I have always loved the holidays and the anticipation and excitement to do the same thing as we have done every year. I am not a big advocate for change, never have been, never will be–it is hard for me to handle. It is sad that I will be leaving some of these traditions behind, but I would be lying if I said I am not excited to start new traditions with my to-be husband. In the end, I believe that I will keep with some of my family’s traditions because they mean so much to me, and I would love to continue them and incorporate them into my own family traditions.

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Blog-Chelsea Written by: Chelsea Stoskopf is an intern at Serendipity Media. She's finishing up her journalism degree at Grand Valley State University, not to mention counting down the days to her wedding next July. Watch for more articles by Chelsea in the coming weeks!

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