
Time Travel

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Sometimes, I need more hours in a day. Sometimes, I need those hours to get more done; other times, I need them to rebound from a hectic travel schedule. 

An hour is an hour is an hour, right? Or is it? 

I find it odd that even the seemingly simplest travel tends to throw things out of whack when I’m dealing with another time zone. I’ve traveled abroad, with little difficultly adjusting to the five- or six-hour time change (and none of the jet lag many complain of). Why, then, do I have such trouble adjusting to the difference between Pacific and Eastern time—especially on the shortest hop? 

Theories, anecdotes, and friendly advice welcome! Hit me with your thoughts at [email protected]. Ciao! 

Amy L CharlesWritten by: Amy L Charles is West Michigan Woman magazine's editor. 

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