
Growing Up and Diving Head First Into the Unknown!

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Pioneering through your last years of college is a time of growth, experience, and self-examination. For me, it has been a time where I indulged wholeheartedly into those late-night conversations about life, the future, and where exactly I fit into this grown-up working world. 

Throughout my college years, being an intern for multiple companies has been one of the most beneficial experiences I have taken part in. It has challenged, utilized, and strengthened all of my skills that I soaked up in the classroom. Yet some of the most beneficial lessons I learned from these internships are about life, the corporate world, and how to conduct myself in a professional manner. 

Being an intern is not always glamorous, and is often filled with the feeling of being lost and, at times, completely confused. In those moments of the unknown is when I have found myself learning the most. This is one of the valuable parts of being an intern: You are learning about the industry that you potentially may find yourself working in someday. I believe the moments when you are willing to humble yourself and ask for help and a deeper explanation are when the most knowledge will be gained. It is not always about having the perfect answers, but taking the initiative of going beyond the given work and putting in the extra time and effort. Yes, you may be running to get the coffee, making the copies, and completing the errands. But when you look beyond the small tasks, you will see the big picture. Companies are about being a team and working together. As an intern, you must find your niche in that group and be willing to do anything to show that you care and that you want to learn and soak up the most information possible. 

Internships are beneficial not only for the intern, but for the company as well. It is important as a business owner to know where your company would most benefit from an intern. No, you do not need to know every single detail of what you would like your intern to do—but it is important to have a plan of where you see them helping within your company. Interns can bring new life and ideas to any office. It is easy to get stuck in a rut when you are used to working in the same position, completing the same tasks, daily. Getting a fresh perspective can be more beneficial than you may even realize. As young adults emerging into the workforce, interns are eager to dive right into any task that you give them, no matter how small or large it may be. Remember that you were once in their shoes, and remember how excited you were to be a part of the working world. This new excitement can help inspire you and your employees to spark those innovative ideas that have landed your company where it is today. After all, where would you be without a little faith in others and an eagerness to grow and develop as a company?  

Remember: Whether you are looking for that perfect internship or you are looking to hire the ideal intern, always have a clear expectation of what you want from this experience. Always keep an open mind and an open heart, because you may be surprised that the lessons you are learning or teaching will take you far beyond the office, and impact your life in ways you may not have ever expected.    

MollyWritten by: Molly O’Brien is Serendipity’s marketing intern. She is a senior at Hope College with a degree in Communication with minors in Management and Leadership. With a hyper personality she is always staying busy. Whether it is volunteering, traveling, golfing, and staying involved with her sorority she loves spending her time with friends and family. 

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