
Mom, Do You Need My Purity Ring?

Engage with the West Michigan Woman Community!

This just isn’t a catchy title to get your attention. (Although it must have worked if you’re reading this.) No, this is an actual question posed to me by my daughter, The Teenager. 

I was busted: She found out I was dating. Not only did she find out I had been dating him for quite some time, she learned I was going on vacation with this certain someone. Hence, the purity ring comment. (Thank you, Jonas Brothers!) This is when I freaked out like a teenager and my inner voice said “OMG” on replay. How the heck do I talk to my daughter about MY dating life? 

She was only fifteen months old when her dad and I separated. When she was younger, it was easy (and by easy, I mean logistically—not actually finding someone who will be a future blog post) to date, because I could hide things from her. Or I would schedule around our custody arrangements, to avoid any questions. Sneaking in phone conversations was easy when I put her to bed early. Now, she’s sixteen—and very smart. Now, I can’t sneak anything by her. 

Why sneak around? You see, I’ve always kept my dating life private from her. In my mind, I was protecting her by avoiding introducing men into her life who wouldn’t be there long term. She met a few, and after one particular bad relationship, I promised myself that I would never involve her again. Never! 

I’m alone again, and she encourages me on a weekly basis to “get out there.” (Words I believe were spoken to me by my own mother, after my divorce.) And someday I will. But I’m still not sure I’ll tell her much. A mom has to have some secrets, right? 

So, single moms, tell me how you handle your dating life. What are your biggest challenges or fears? Read more about the life of a single mom in the April issue of West Michigan Woman magazine

JenniferWritten by: Jennifer Reeves is the director of sales and service for West Michigan Woman's publishing company, Serendipity Media. She is a customer service guru, and she is known around the office for her electrifying personality and contagious laugh. When she isn’t spreading cheer at Serendipity, she is relaxing at her home in Holland with her beloved daughter, Mackenzie. 

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