
Angela Brown ‘Likes’ This: Facebook Etiquette Do’s and Don’ts

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The funny thing about Facebook friends is that they are not always the type of real-life friends we might normally surround ourselves with. It could be a bittersweet friendship; one that could be full of excitement to read the next post from one friend or one that you regret ever hitting the “Accept Friend” request. I see a lot on Facebook: what my friends are up to, where they have been, pictures of the family, and the dog, and the vacation… It’s really a great way to stay connected to family and friends that are on the other side of the country, or state, or just down the street. 

Since Facebook etiquette is “to each their own”, I thought I would compile a small list of posts we all would be better off not knowing about. Here are a few things NOT to do when the Facebook status bar asks “What’s happening, Angela?”

Don’t be the chronic complainer.

“OMG, I can’t believe something so terrible could happen to meeeee!!” Facebook isn’t the place to air your issues or tell us every time you have a headache. No one is there to give you a hug and tell you everything is going to be OK. You need real-life friends for this. 

Check your politics and religion at the door.

Rule of thumb: If it’s not OK to talk about at the dinner table, it’s not OK to talk about on Facebook. 


Don’t write something like: "This sucks!" or “What a terrible day”. What sucks? Why is it so terrible? Don’t lead me on unless you want to give me all of the dramatic details. Otherwise, it looks like you’re just begging for attention.

Unoriginal sharing of someecards or other “funny” quotes, again, and again, and again, and… you get the idea.

Look, I think they are absolutely hilarious. But that’s why I get the weekly update from someecards e-mailed to me. I want to see pictures of your dog doing something funny, a picture of you and your family, or your baby doing cute things. But please, spare me the details about his bowel movements. Thanks.

Don’t give me a play by play of your entire day. 

Don’t tell me what you had for breakfast, unless you follow it up with where I could get the most amazing omelet you ever had. You bought groceries, did the laundry? Now you’re off to Zumba, for the third time this week? Good for you. Moving on. 

Good grammar could get you far. 

I’m far from being an editor, but slow down and give your post a onceover for typos and bad grammar—before broadcasting it to the world. 

Are you reading these and nodding? Maybe it’s time to ask yourself: Have I shared anything positive this week? Keep your friends wanting more from you, instead of wanting to turn your status updates off. 

I want to know about the good and happy parts of your day. You were recognized for something at work? You’ll get an “Awesome” and a Like for that! You won concert tickets? I’ll probably ask what time you’re picking me up! You’re on vacation and sharing beach pictures? Well, at first I’ll hate you, but then I’ll get over it and I might even Like it! It’s OK to share some of the bad and ugly in your day – but don’t make it a habit. 

Entertain me, tell me a story, make me smile. I hope that’s not too much to ask!

Blog-AngelaWritten by: Angela Brown is the Marketing Manager for West Michigan Woman magazine. She graduated from Grand Valley State University with a degree in advertising and public relations. Angela loves going to the beach, cooking for friends, party planning, wine, DIY projects, sewing, crafting, and gardening. 

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