
Last-Minute Holiday Gift Ideas

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It's the week of Christmas. Woo-hoo, that's great! That means it's time for lots of yummy food, time spent with loved ones, comfy clothes and relaxation. Unless ... you've just now realized you've got a few unpurchased gifts left lingering on your list this year (shoot). It's too late to risk get something shipped, so what do you do? Take a page from our book and consider one of these last-minute gift ideas that are anything but lousy.

And we know what you're thinking. Last-minute gifts don't have to feel like they were last minute! Don't believe us? It's all in knowing your recipient and how you present your gift.


Who doesn't love being gifted a homemade treat? Whether you opt for something sweet like these iced holiday sugar cookies or something more savory like this Christmas cheese bread, a delicious handmade delight is sure to be a memorable gift. Not much of a baker? Take advantage of some local options, including Nantucket Baking Company, Mokaya or Rise Authentic Baking Co.


Bonus points if it's for a local establishment (and there are plenty to choose from). The great news is that gift cards are wildly easy to find these days.


Listen, I don't make the rules. This exact dilemma is why there's always a spare bottle of wine at the ready on our bar cart. Throw some ribbon or a bow around the neck and BOOM. You've got one hell of a gift. If you want to get fancy, throw in an accompanying snack to be enjoyed when we're all inevitably snowed in come mid-January. Not into the hard stuff? Tea also makes for a lovely gift and can be found in a variety of local stores.


While there's nothing quite like the crisp freshness of new book pages, there's also something to be said about a properly "broken in" bestseller. Peruse your own bookshelves for a favorite you could pass along to a friend who would also enjoy it. You could even include a little note detailing why you think they'll be fond of the book or why it reminded you of them.


Now, I know some will say this denotes a lack of thoughtfulness. But take it from someone who doesn't always want or need more "stuff" ... cash sometimes is the most thoughtful option! Especially if you know someone is saving for a dream vacation or home renovation, or could simply use a hand after a difficult year. Of course, it's up to you to decide if this route is appropriate.


Every single time I get together with my best friend who today lives about 2.5 hours away, we're always doubled over laughing at the memories we somehow conjure up from the depths of our childhood. I could write a book on all of our experiences and hilarious misadventures. If you're tapped out on ideas and want something special for a friend, write them a note on the back of a special photo of you two! And you don't have to have any writing skills to do it. Simply share what that person means to you and how thankful you are to have them in your life. It might just be the most precious gift you can give.


Looked at as tacky by some, regifting might just be your golden ticket. Gifted, say, a bronze horse statue last year by your distant cousin six states over? Let's be honest, you're way more of a dog person. Don't leave it sitting there to collect dust, especially if you know your good friend—who you'll see on Christmas Eve—actually loves horseback riding and would truly cherish such a unique gift. In addition to being a sustainable gift option, regifting could actually make the most sense for your holiday list.

Written by Sarah Suydam, Managing Editor for West Michigan Woman.


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