
Though Teacher Appreciation Week isn't officially until the first week in May, we think it's always a good idea to show the teachers and afterschool professionals in your life they're appreciated—especially right now!

We asked some educators what they'd love to receive most if they were gifted an appreciation pack. We took their responses and created this fun idea checklist for you to create your own for the special teachers in your community.

Lotion: ____
A nice candle: ____
Flair pens: ____
Quality Post-It notes: ____
Dry erase markers: ____
Tissues: ____
A note of thanks or encouragement: ____
Gift cards (think local coffee joints, restaurants and other self-care focused items or activities): ____
K cups or coffee: ____
Clorox wipes: ____
Hand sanitizer: ____
Lysol spray: ____
If appropriate, wine or other adult beverage: ____
New pencils: ____
A desk calendar: ____
Mints: ____
Their favorite desk-friendly treat: ____
Excedrin/Tylenol: ____
Quality bandages: ____
A fun personalized stamp or stickers: ____
White board magnets: ____
Washi tape: ____

Note: Teachers noted the gift they receive the most (and have too many of) is coffee mugs.

Don't forget to share any photos you take with us! We'd love to see how you're honoring the educators in your community.

Written by Sarah Suydam, Managing Editor for West Michigan Woman.


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