
No doubt, normal Halloween festivities aren't exactly going to happen how we'd all like for them to this year. The good news? It doesn't mean there isn't still fun to be found, whether you get joy from handing out candy or are a parent looking for something special for your child to safely enjoy. Check out these ideas for trick-or-treat alternatives and tips:

Outdoor events for kids are aplenty, from corn mazes and themed mini-golf to drive-thru trick-or-treat trails, so if you're feeling comfortable venturing out, these are some great options!

If you're all about handing out candy in your neighborhood, consider getting creative like this person did by building a candy chute to distribute candy from a safe distance. You could also set up a candy bowl filled with individually packed candy bags on your front lawn for trick-or-treaters to pick up—no contact necessary! Decorate your front door or window and watch the trick-or-treaters from inside with a festive cocktail in hand.

Make the best of having to wear a mask while taking part in Halloween activities by decorating them to match a costume. Embrace your crafty side by setting up a mask painting station at home for kids to have some extra fun. Make it a party by connecting with friends and their children via Zoom.

Go for a "hay ride" around the neighborhood! All you need is a wagon, some hay and a blanket to create a fun experience right from your own backyard—perfect for young children. Remember: Halloween doesn't have to exclusively be celebrated ON Halloween. Choose a day with nice weather to make the most of the experience.

Staying in? Build a haunted Halloween fort inside your home that kids could decorate! This could be their home base for snacking on some candy they found during an in-home scavenger hunt earlier in the day. And you could totally get in on the action, too, because ... who doesn't love a good fort? For younger children who are set on knocking on a door to get some treats, set up family members inside each room of the house with their own bowl of candy to hand out during an indoor trick-or-treat session.

To keep the spooky vibes going, order pizza delivery and create a Halloween movie marathon (to be watched in costume, of course). For dessert, consider setting up a DIY treat station to create some sweet snacks like dirt cups, caramel apples, haunted gingerbread houses, and more.

Of course, some classic Halloween activities are still on the table, such as carving pumpkins, bumping some Halloween tunes, and bobbing for apples.

Be sure to be familiar with the risks associated with certain activities by visiting the CDC website, which also offers additional ideas for lower risk activities.

Though spooky season, like the rest of 2020, looks quite different, it's far from cancelled!

Written by Sarah Suydam, Staff Writer for West Michigan Woman.


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