
KasieSBathing suit season is approaching faster than I realized. In fact, I leave for vacation in two short weeks. So, when my neighbor asked me a few weeks ago to try Kettlebell, I decided it was a good idea.

Anyone that knows me realizes this is not normal. I don’t like exercising, and I only do it for vanity/health purposes. Like many women, I go through spurts of regular exercise during which I try a few new things, but I don’t do it at a gym. I find that working out in the morning is the only time I can actually fit it in, and follow through. Plus working out in the comfort of my own home works for me (most of the time).

So, here’s the dilemma. I am one of those women who complain regularly about my weight. I feel like I’ve been on a diet since I was young, but fall off track regularly. I talk about wanting to loose a few pounds, but don’t have enough commitment to really follow through. Consequently, I’ve been complaining about the same five to ten pounds for years. So, my natural reaction when my friend asked me to go to Kettlebell with her, was “no.” But, I took some extra time to really think about it, and realized I needed to do one of two things. First, if I didn’t go, I would need to stop complaining about my weight/shape as it is today. Or, I needed to do something different. If you always do what you’ve always done, you’ll always get what you’ve always gotten. Right? So, Kettlebell here I come….

I had to participate in an intro class before I could start, and let's just say, wow! I actually enjoyed the class, but I was so sore after the first day, I could barely sit down to go to the restroom. Blowing my hair dry with sore arms was another story. But, I had told my friend I would go, and I showed up for day two. It got a little easier, and so did day three. I’d be lying if I said I love it, because I simply don’t love exercising. But, the reality is, I do enjoy doing it with someone because the commitment to be there increases dramatically. Plus, I like the results. I don’t ever expect to wear a bikini again (thanks to my twin boys), but I do like feeling toned and in shape.

If you’re anything like me and have always done the same thing, stop, and do something different if you want to see a different result! Oh…and let me know how it goes!

Written by: Kasie Smith is a Michigan native. She was born in Traverse City, and now lives in Grand Rapids. She enjoys golfing, spending time in the sun, and watching romantic comedies with her very own leading men, her husband Jason and her twin boys.

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