
We all know what comes after the cooking, football watching, eating and chatting associated with Thanksgiving: Shopping! In years past, this shopping took place on Thursday night and spilled over into Friday. There was no shopping mandate, no online edict coupled with a catchy name telling us to spend money—it was just tradition.

How times have changed.

While many still participate in the Thursday-night big box electronic store run, others now take their cues from social media and only shop on the "named" days.

On #blackfriday your e-mail inbox, Facebook newsfeed and Twitter account are in cahoots. Electronic devices are instructing you to shop. It is, after all, the best day to save—ever!

Then Saturday rolls around—and according to social media, it's now time to spend your dollars at local businesses. The mom-and-pop shops say, "Come celebrate #smallbusinesssaturday!"

Next up is #cybermonday. Don't miss those online savings: They'll eclipse the in-person #blackfriday savings!

Then, after the gluttonous spending spree is over, it's time to feed your conscience: #givingtuesday is the one named shopping day I can stand behind.


It's now Tuesday night—and you're done! The savings have ended and prices are going to skyrocket.


Check your inbox. New savings have begun.

Sadly, the remaining holiday shopping days are unnamed. Or maybe we should say are yet unnamed: I can hear a #fitnesswednesday, #hostessgiftthursday and a #lastchancefriday knocking at the door now.

Written by Lisa Stickler, staff writer for West Michigan Woman. She is not a fan of the constant run on "sales" for the season.


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