

When living with a significant other, it's easy to get lost in day-to-day activities and forget to think about the free time you have together. Instead you opt for the standard choices, such as going to the movies or your go-to restaurant. You're spending time with each other, but you're not creating new memories together.

Unfortunately, with completely opposite work schedules, my boyfriend of two years and I became victims of this vicious cycle. I thought of the new experiences we tried in 2014—visiting my family in Arizona, riding my first rollercoaster at Cedar Point, adopting a furry four-legged companion—and compared them to what we'd done in the past few months. There was a painful reality: We had become boring!

On a scale of crazy to conventional, I wouldn't consider us the Lady Gaga of couples, but we definitely hadn't been adding much excitement to our lives recently. So while my boyfriend was away visiting family, I thought of a fun way to make sure we never ran out of ideas—a Date Night Board! Using GraphicStock.com, a corkboard, and Adobe Illustrator, I went to work creating my Pinterest-worthy project.

By the end of it, I had twenty West Michigan date night (or day) ideas perfect for when we find ourselves with mutual days off and nothing planned. The best part? I can keep adding to and customizing it as much as I want! While the current list might not involve rollercoasters or cross-country trips, it will keep adding new adventures to our lives without breaking the budget.

Written by Devyn Quick, audience development coordinator for West Michigan Woman.


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