
StephanieIf you’ve ever read the book “Who Moved My Cheese?” then you know what I’m communicating. The book is all about change, and how important it is to adapt to it. Change is inevitable in life. Some people can handle it better than others, but not many people welcome it with open arms.
In our office over the past six months, we’ve gone through some major changes–some of it could be considered growing pains–but ultimately, it was all for the good. We’ve moved offices, hired several new people, launched a new website, and will soon launch the print publication. Amidst all of that, I personally moved positions, and have done a major conversion in our accounting department.
If you would have come into the office a couple weeks ago, you would have seen my boss, Kasie, and myself looking like zombies as we tried to figure out our new way of accounting for the company. It was definitely a case of “Who Moved the Cheese?” She was struggling. I was struggling. But we found opportunities to laugh through it.
Be open to change. Never stop learning. Don’t underestimate your capabilities to change.
And why Gouda? Why not! I’m Dutch so of course it needs to be Gouda!

Written by: Stephanie Teslaa excels at using both the right and left sides of her brain, and that’s exactly what makes her so special. Stephanie calls Hudsonville home and is a lover of numbers and also a talented photographer.

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