

The American Heart Association Go Red for Women supports the number 1 killer of women, causing 1 in 3 deaths per year. Go Red for Women is a movement to create awareness and action because 80% of cardiac events in women may be prevented if they make the right choices about their hearts, involving diet, exercise, and abstinence from smoking. In the last decade since this campaign began, there has been a 34% drop in women's deaths from heart disease. In the last decade since the campaig began, there has been a 34% drop in women's deaths from heart disease. In Michigan, the Go Red for Women has raised approximately $800,000. Some of those offerings have included:

  • Training over 400,000 Michiganders in CPR just last year.
  • Offering local Brown Bag luncheon series in which a medical professional does a lunchtime educational series to a group of professionals or students. They talk about simple, easy strategies to adopt that can dramatically influence heart health.
  • Implementing "Get with the Guidelines" in local hospitals which improved outcomes in heart disease and stroke.
  • Working with nonprofit partners to ensure all Michigan newborns will receive "pulse ox" screenings for heart defects.
  • Granting 9.3 million dollars in life saving medical research in Michigan in fiscal year 2012-2013 through research grants.

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