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Make-A-Wish® Michigan recently hosted their first inaugural women's initiative called the W.I.S.H. Society. Standing for "Women Inspiring Strength & Hope," the program celebrates women who do exactly what the name says!

Van Andel Institute invites you to join us for the 21st annual Hope on the Hill Gala — Mission: Made Possible and jump into action against Parkinson's, cancer and more of the most elusive diseases threatening human health today. It is an especially exciting year for us, as we celebrate our beloved Institute's 25th anniversary.

In a 24/7 world, connecting as a family is something we all know we should do but can't seem to find the time to do. Between parents' work schedules, sports, dance and homework, many of us live more like roommates than family. Meals are eaten on the road, during practices or while waiting for lessons. Self-help articles in parenting magazines tout the value of family meals and offer creative ideas for types of meals and conversation starters, but what about family dinners for the rest of us?

There is no question that West Michigan loves its foods and beverages. Since 2008, the Grand Rapids International Wine, Beer & Food Festival has been satisfying appetites ... tens of thousands of them! This culinary celebration is considered the largest and best in the Midwest as a kickoff to the holiday season and you're invited to the party from November 19-20, 2021 at DeVos Place in downtown Grand Rapids.

It is often said that adversity is our best teacher, and we find inspiration when we overcome it. That certainly is the case with Kate Germano, author, leadership coach and former Marine, who will keynote Inforum's annual Capstone dinner on November 18, 2021 at the JW Marriott.

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